
TR Tourism Results e.U.

Owner: Peter Fürnkranz

Josefstädter Strasse 51-4-15

Mobile Phone: +43-664-4224200

Registered sole proprietorship

Registered office: 1080 Vienna
Company registers number: FN 598033k
Commercial register court: HG Vienna

VAT Number: ATU 65159589

Professional association: Business consultancy including business organisation

Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce

Supervisory authority: Magistrate Vienna

GISA-Number: 35799924

Trade Regulation:

Information on online dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS platform), which can be accessed at

The e-mail address of TR Tourism Results e.U. can be found above in the imprint. TR Tourism Results e.U. is not obliged to participate in the dispute resolution process.

Copyright Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Die Inhalte auf der Website unterliegen Urheberrecht und dürfen weder zur kommerziellen Zwecken kopiert, verbreitet, verändert oder Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.

Gender Claimer For the sake of readability only the masculine form was chosen on the website, but this always applies to male and female persons alike.

Image rights
© Photos – Peter Fürnkranz, Thomas Puffler, MatPhotostudio © Moodbilder – Adobestock, Freepik Premium, Unsplash

Corporate & Webdesign
© sternloscreative