
Management consulting in hospitality & tourism

Strategic planning, marketing concepts and result optimization – hands-on consulting for sustainably better results


Management consulting in hospitality & tourism

Strategic planning,
marketing concepts and company optimization –

Strategic planning, marketing concepts and result optimization – hands-on consulting for sustainably better results


Sustainable values and increasing profits

Through my service portfolio, I support hotels, restaurants and other tourism service providers in achieving their goals and sustainably improving the results of their tourism businesses. The results are satisfied customers, satisfied employees and satisfied owners.

Sustainable values and increasing profits

Through my service portfolio, I support hotels, restaurants and other tourism service providers to jointly tackle their challenges, achieve their goals and sustainably improve the results of their tourism operations. The results are satisfied customers, satisfied employees and satisfied owners.

My structured consultation process:

1. Umfassende Analyse

Survey of the current situation (strategy, marketing, planning, operation & controlling as well as customer experience)

2. Goal & Strategy Planning

Defining goals and strategies for achieving goals, including all necessary areas of operation

3. Implementing Measures

Planning and implementation of the necessary measures in close cooperation with the company and the team

4. Steering and Control

Accompanying the implementation of the necessary activities to achieve the goals as well as regular monitoring

Consulting with a focus on “Customer Experience”

My range of services includes the areas of strategy planning, marketing, operation & controlling as well as the areas of project development and project management, asset management, coaching and change management – and all of this always with a focus on the customer experience.

Strategic planning

Detailed analysis and jointly developed individual strategies for your company’s success

  • Business analysis
  • Strengths/Weaknesses profile
  • Opportunities/risks profile
  • Strategic corporate planning (short-medium-long term)
  • Organization of strategy workshops
  • Concepts for operational optimization and implementation with an action-plan
  • Preparation of business plans
  • Development of a mission statement (vision, mission, USP’s)
  • Offer optimization from the customer’s point of view

Marketing & Sales

Marketing and sales activities to strengthen the presence of your business in the market.

  • Market and competitor analysis
  • Positioning & brand strategy
  • Corporate identity, corporate design and corporate culture
  • Definition of marketing and sales strategy
  • Product and offer development according to target groups and distribution channels
  • Pricing policy, terms and conditions
  • Distribution planning and control
  • Search for new sales channels and partners
  • Evaluation of current presence on the internet
  • Marketing planning including target definition and budget
  • Communication concept including all activities off/online

Controlling & Asset Mgmt.

Increasing performance by optimizing operational processes, reporting, monitoring and planning for maximum transparency and profit

  • Operational analysis (key figure analysis, benchmarking)
  • Quality management and guest surveys
  • Customer Experience Management and Customer Journey
  • Development of standards and procedures incl. training
  • Management Information System (MIS)
  • Individual and efficient tools in MS Excel
  • Staff planning & training
  • Cost check and optimization options
  • Budgeting incl. target/actual comparison and forecasts
  • Representation of the interests of owners and investors
  • Evaluation & control of lease/management contracts
  • Feasibility calculations for existing/new projects

Project Management

Conception, planning, and calculation of hotel and tourism projects, accompaniment and support in all project phases from the idea to the realization

  • Supervision and support of investment projects as project manager
  • Project advice for reconstructions and renovations
  • Conceptual design & planning of new tourism projects
  • Location analysis & market analysis
  • Feasibility studies
  • Assessment of existing project studies (second opinion)
  • Pre-opening planning, budgeting, management & controlling
  • Preparation of business plans including budgeting
  • Elaboration of area and function programs
  • Project monitoring & project controlling for new buildings or conversions
  • Accompanying control and owner representation in projects

ESG consulting

Customized support on the journey to greater sustainability, from status quo assessment to implementation and certification for a more sustainable world

  • Assessment of ESG status quo in the company
  • Introduction to the topic of sustainability
  • Information on the legal framework
  • As-is analysis incl. collection of key figures & materiality analysis
  • Strategic planning and development of ESG concept
  • Support in the implementation of ESG measures
  • Stakeholder management and employee training
  • Preparation and drafting of ESG report
  • Support in obtaining certifications (Austrian Ecolabel, EU Eco-Label)
  • Internal & external ESG communication
  • Support with funding applications
  • Learn more about

Coaching & Change processes

Individual business coaching, support in change processes, troubleshooting and interim management.

  • Operations management
  • Restructuring & reorganization
  • Restructuring concepts
  • Change management
  • Trouble shooting
  • Support during restructuring & merger
  • Coaching in difficult situations
  • Interim Management & temporary management (staff shortage or business handover)
  • Support during company succession
  • Evaluation of rent, lease or sale

Consulting with a focus on “Customer Experience”

My range of services includes the areas of strategy planning, marketing, operation & controlling as well as the areas of project development and project management, asset management, coaching and change management – and all of this always with a focus on the customer experience.

Strategic planning

Detailed analysis and jointly developed individual strategies for your company’s success

  • Business analysis
  • Strengths/Weaknesses profile
  • Opportunities/risks profile
  • Strategic corporate-
  • Organization of strategy workshops
  • Concepts for operational optimization
    with an action-plan
  • Preparation of business plans
  • Development of a mission statement (vision, mission, USP’s)
  • Offer optimization from the customer’s point of view

Marketing & Sales

Marketing and sales activities to strengthen the presence of your business in the market.

  • Market and competitor analysis
  • Positioning & brand strategy
  • Corporate identity, corporate design and corporate culture
  • Definition of marketing and sales strategy
  • Product and offer development
  • according to target groups and distribution channels
  • Pricing policy, terms and conditions
  • Distribution planning and control
  • Search for new sales channels and partners
  • Evaluation of current
  • presence on the internet
  • Marketing planning including target definition
  • and budget
  • Communication concept including all activities off/online 

Controlling & Asset Mgmt.

Increasing performance by optimizing operational processes, reporting, monitoring and planning for maximum transparency and profit

  • Operational analysis (key figure analysis, benchmarking)
  • Quality management and guest surveys
  • Customer Experience Management and Customer Journey
  • Development of standards and procedures incl. training
  • Management Information System (MIS)
  • Individual and efficient tools in MS Excel
  • Staff planning & training
  • Cost check and optimization options
  • Budgeting incl. target/actual comparison and forecasts
  • Representation of the interests of owners and investors
  • Evaluation & control of lease/management contracts
  • Feasibility calculations for existing/new projects

Project studies & project management

Conception, planning and calculation of hotel and tourism projects, accompaniment and support in all project phases from the idea to the realization.

  • Supervision and support of investment projects as project manager
  • Project advice for reconstructions and renovations
  • Conceptual design & planning of new tourism projects
  • Location analysis & market analysis
  • Feasibility studies
  • Assessment of existing project studies (second opinion)
  • Pre-opening planning, budgeting, management & controlling
  • Preparation of business plans including budgeting
  • Elaboration of area and function programs
  • Project monitoring & project controlling for new buildings or conversions
  • Accompanying control and owner representation in projects 

ESG consulting

Managing and monitoring tourism and hotel properties to optimize returns

  • Assessment of ESG status quo in the company
  • Introduction to the topic of sustainability
  • Information on the legal framework
  • As-is analysis incl. collection of key figures & materiality analysis
  • Strategic planning and development of ESG concept
  • Support in the implementation of ESG measures
  • Stakeholder management and employee training
  • Preparation and drafting of ESG report
  • Support in obtaining certifications (Austrian Ecolabel, EU Eco-Label)
  • Internal & external ESG communication
  • Support with funding applications
  • Learn more about

Coaching & Change- Management

Individual business coaching, support in change processes, troubleshooting and interim management.

  • Operations management
  • Restructuring & reorganization
  • Restructuring concepts
  • Change management
  • Trouble shooting
  • Support during restructuring & merger
  • Coaching in difficult situations
  • Interim Management & temporary management (staff shortage or business handover) 
  • Support during company succession
  • Evaluation of rent, lease or sale

From the idea and concept to the opening – project management, site analyses, feasibility studies for new and existing projects

Choose from one of the 3 packages and start the journey to better results:


1-day short analysis on-site

  • Company visits and analysis
  • Development of first approach to optimize the results


Your plan for success

  • Project for a whole month or period of time as desired
  • Company visits and information gathering
  • Definition of goals and strategies in a joint workshop
  • Support and coaching during the development of the marketing plan and budget
  • Regular feedback sessions virtually or on-site according to requests and possibilities
  • Final editing of the marketing plan including activities and presentation


Individual Coaching Sessions

  • Customer determines the main topics
  • we determine the needs and define the goals together
  • individual, customized consulting
  • evaluation of the current situation, development of solutions and implementation of improvements
  • ongoing monitoring and feedback
  • depending on the situation and requirements on site or partly via video conference

I am also happy to prepare an individual offer for cooperation tailored to the needs of the company.

Choose from one of the 3 packages and start the journey to better results:


1-day short analysis on-site

  • Company visits and analysis
  • Development of first approach to optimize the results


Your plan for success

  • Project for a whole month or period of time as desired
  • Company visits and information gathering
  • Definition of goals and strategies in a joint workshop
  • Support and coaching during the development of the marketing plan and budget
  • Regular feedback sessions virtually or on-site according to request and possibilities
  • Final editing of the marketing plan including activities and presentation


Individual Coaching Sessions

  • Customer determines the main topics
  • we determine the needs and define the goals together
  • individual, customized consulting
  • evaluation of the current situation, development of solutions and implementation of improvements
  • ongoing monitoring and feedback
  • depending on the situation and requirements on site or partly via video conference

I am also happy to prepare an individual offer for cooperation tailored to the needs of the company.

From the idea and concept to the opening – project management, site analyses, feasibility studies for new and existing projects

In a free initial consultation, we evaluate your current business situation together and I show you possible alternative courses of action for optimization.
Start now and let us work together on your challenges.

Please make an appointment for a contact right here!