Glossar Begriffe in Hotellerie & Tourismus
Die wichtigsten Begriffe und Abkürzungen in Hotellerie und Tourismus von A – Z
In meinem individuellen Glossar Tourismusbegriffe für Hotellerie und Tourismus teile ich eine persönliche Auswahl von 300 Begriffen und Abkürzungen aus der Welt des Reisens. Diese umfassen Aspekte von Airlines, Reisebüros, Hotels und anderen touristischen Leistungsanbietern, die ich über die Jahre in der Branche als besonders wichtig empfunden habe. Die Übersicht stellt meine subjektive Begriffssammlung dar und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, sondern bietet einen Einblick in die Schlüsselbegriffe der Tourismusbranche.
Es gibt 38 Namen in diesem Verzeichnis, die mit dem Buchstaben C beginnen.
Cabin Crew
the collective group of flight attendants providing safety and full comfort to the airline passengers on board ;
Cancellation policy
the set of rules that the hotel applies in case of cancellation of a reservation.
Carbon Footprint
the amount of greenhouse gas emissions directly or indirectly associated with an activity or organisation.
Chain code
an identifier code of two characters, used by global distribution systems (GDSs) to identify hotel chains.
a type of building or house, made of wood ,with wide eaves, common in Alpine regions, having a particular architectural style.
Channel Management
controlling of the allocation of hotel inventory and rates across all distribution channels including website, third parties and global distribution systems.
Collision damage waiver (CDW)
optional insurance provided by car rental companies that eliminates all responsibility of the driver in case of an accident. Car rental insurance covering any damage to a rental vehicle.
Commercial Rate
a special rate agreed upon by a company and a hotel. Usually, the hotel agrees to supply rooms of a specified quality or better at a flat rate to corporate clients.
that percentage of the selling price that a travel agency or OTA receives from a supplier (hotel, airline,..) for selling accommodation, flights or other services.
Confidential Tariff
wholesale rates (net rates) distributed to travel wholesalers, tour operators and agents.
Confirmed Reservation
a written statement by a supplier that he has received and will honor a reservation.
Continental breakfast
a light breakfast, typically consisting of coffee and bread rolls with butter and jam.
Corporate Rate
hotel rate negotiated by companies designed to appeal to the needs of the business traveler.
Cost of Walk (COW)
the cost of turning away a guest when the hotel is unable to provide the promised accommodation, which may include the cost of a hotel room, transer, and probable lost future business.
Cost per occupied room (CPOR)
The formula for CPOR calculates the average cost per occupied room. (Total, gross operating profit divided per number of rooms sold).
Cover Charge
a fee, usually a flat amount per person, charged to cover the cost of music and entertainment
a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a vacation and usually docking at several port destinations.