Glossar Begriffe in Hotellerie & Tourismus

Die wichtigsten Begriffe und Abkürzungen in Hotellerie und Tourismus von A – Z 

In meinem individuellen Glossar Tourismusbegriffe für Hotellerie und Tourismus teile ich eine persönliche Auswahl von 300 Begriffen und Abkürzungen aus der Welt des Reisens. Diese umfassen Aspekte von Airlines, Reisebüros, Hotels und anderen touristischen Leistungsanbietern, die ich über die Jahre in der Branche als besonders wichtig empfunden habe. Die Übersicht stellt meine subjektive Begriffssammlung dar und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, sondern bietet einen Einblick in die Schlüsselbegriffe der Tourismusbranche.

Alle | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Es gibt 16 Namen in diesem Verzeichnis, die mit dem Buchstaben T beginnen.
a schedule of prices/fares.
Total revenue per available room (TrevPAR)
a hotel key performance indicator (KPI) that gives a preview of the total revenue from all departments which the room can generate, including all hotel services.
any pre-arranged journey to one or more destinations.
Tour Guide
a person qualified (and often certified) to conduct tours of specific locations or attractions.
Tour Manager
a person in charge to escort a group of tourists, usually for the duration of the entire trip.
Tour Operator (TO)
a company which creates and markets inclusive tours and subcontracts with suppliers to create a package. Most tour operators sell through travel agents.
the business of providing services, such as transportation, places to stay, or entertainment for tourists.
Tourism Expenditure
Tourism expenditure refers to the amount paid for the acquisition of consumption goods and services, as well as valuables, for own use or to give away, for and during tourism trips.
Tourism Industries
comprise all establishments for which the principal activity is a tourism characteristic activity.
Tourism Product
a combination of tangible and intangible elements, such as natural, cultural and man-made resources, attractions, facilities, services and activities around a specific center of interest.
Tourism Satellite Account
a system of accounting at national or regional level which reveals the total direct impact of tourism on the economy.
Tourist (or overnight visitor)
a visitor (domestic, inbound or outbound) is classified as a tourist (or overnight visitor), if the trip includes an overnight stay.
Transient Business
Guests who book their hotel individually rather than with a group and for shorts stays
Travel Agent (TA)
a business arranging travel for individuals or groups on behalf of suppliers (e.g. hotels, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, package tours, railways, travel insurance, etc.).
Travel Component
Travel Component Transportation, lodging, dining, attractions, entertainment, guide services, and other travel elements offered as part of a travel package.
a potential reservation that couldn’t be satisfied because the tour (or hotel, ship, etc.) was fully booked.

In einem kostenlosen Erstgespräch bewerten wir gemeinsam ihre aktuelle Situation und ich zeige ihnen mögliche Schritte zur Optimierung auf. Starten sie jetzt und lassen sie uns an ihren Herausforderungen gemeinsam arbeiten.

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