Glossar Begriffe in Hotellerie & Tourismus
Die wichtigsten Begriffe und Abkürzungen in Hotellerie und Tourismus von A – Z
In meinem individuellen Glossar Tourismusbegriffe für Hotellerie und Tourismus teile ich eine persönliche Auswahl von 300 Begriffen und Abkürzungen aus der Welt des Reisens. Diese umfassen Aspekte von Airlines, Reisebüros, Hotels und anderen touristischen Leistungsanbietern, die ich über die Jahre in der Branche als besonders wichtig empfunden habe. Die Übersicht stellt meine subjektive Begriffssammlung dar und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, sondern bietet einen Einblick in die Schlüsselbegriffe der Tourismusbranche.
Es gibt 22 Namen in diesem Verzeichnis, die mit dem Buchstaben R beginnen.
Release Period
the number of days before arrival, within which a hotel will not accept bookings from a distribution partner (OTA, Tour Operator).
a hotel, or other accommodation provider located in an area associated with recreation and leisure, such as the mountains, lakes or sea.
Responsible tourism
Type of tourism which is practiced by tourists who make responsible choices when choosing their holidays.
functionalities that can be applied to each room type/room rate to better control reservations and have a successful revenue management strategy.
Revenue management
to obtain a property’s maximum amount of overall possible revenue by using data and analytics to predict future guest behavior and demand.
Revenue Management System
a software application that hotels use to control the supply and price of their inventory in order to achieve maximum revenue by managing availability, room types and applying restrictions.
Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR)
RevPar = daily room revenue / total rooms available or Average Daily Rate (ADR) × Occupancy Rate.
Revenue per occupied room (RevPOR)
calculated by taking the total daily revenue (including ancillary revenues) and dividing it by the total number of occupied rooms at the hotel.;
Run of House. No room has been allocated to a guest before arrival, so they will get any room available.
Room Night
In the hotel (hospitality) industry, a room night refers to a hotel room that is occupied for one night.